Monday, April 4, 2011

Invention #106 - Bicycle propelled lawn mower

For the last couple of days, I've been contemplating the future of bicycle propelled lawn mowers. Where is this interesting technology heading today? What is the market like? Could any of you see yourself on one of these 15 years from now?

You may have seen this image floating around in emails over the years:

I highly doubt this would work. For one thing, we all know that the angle of the lawnmower handle relative to the ground surface must be significantly lower than what is depicted in this image. Also, trying to make corners on this would be a chore. You would also begin spinning the back tire trying to keep the momentum up. It's funny how you can find so many examples of front-loaded bike mowers online! A ton of people have actually tried this. Here are some great examples:

This one is not a bike, but it's a similar concept:

What I find interesting is how few examples you find of people trying to pull the mower. I wonder why? You could set something up on a bike that replaces the back wheel instead of the front. I think there might be enough weight in the back to keep the blade engaged as well. After doing a little bit of research, I did find something that might be worth some further investigation. Here it is:
