Thursday, September 25, 2008

Invention Idea #102 - from archives

As I was sitting in my cube listening to Kenny G trickling through my cube wall from the guy next to me, I began to think I should tell you about another idea I have. You might think I'm sort of like the Don Quixote of business plans after getting all these random emails from me, but I will tell you about my idea anyway. I've been doing a lot of programming and building operations models for work and on the side have started my own personal utility finance forecasting tool (the PUFF tool for short). It is better than MS Money and QuickBooks because you can answer questions like these: What is the probability that I will be worth over $2M by age 60 based on current spending and investments? or What difference would it make if I purchased a new house now or in 7 years based on a housing market volatility of 30%? It hasn't been easy, but I've put a lot of this model together and there will be a day when you and I can sell these for $50/pop to savvy financial do-it-yourself planners.

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